When to Get Back Into the Swing of Things…?

When to get back into the swing of things..?

This is something I’m sure every new mom wonders through the sleepless nights, or when you spend most of the day soothing your fussy baby, or you want to get some one on one time back with your hubby, or you other children, or yourself. Yes mamas, me time counts too!! But how do you know when? I mean do you just decide to go all in one day and give it a shot or do you slowly gather your routine back. This has been on my mind so much lately. I really miss the things I loved to do before my new baby. I love him but I want to be my own person again and soon. I think we all need to be separate from our daily job as mom, or wife because we are more than that and I believe that gives our life a healthy balance. Maybe there isn’t a magic number of days or weeks…I’ve just struggled with this more this time around than with my firstborn. I feel like the first time I bounced right back in about a month. This time has been so much slower and I’m having a hard time remembering all we’ve been through and I should give myself grace and stop trying to force things to happen so quickly. But I’ve been going stir crazy I guess not having a single spare moment to myself. Any other moms do you feel me or agree on this? How did you get back to your normal schedule after baby? Drop a comment below and let me know what you did or didn’t do!!

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