
Hi my name is Brandy. I am from the divided states of corruption. I am beyond ashamed to be born on this stolen land and continuing to live here while I watch my country’s leaders enable another country to also steal land from another group of oppressed people and also funding their genocide. I am sick to my stomach as I watch the millions of Americans daily follow the herd mentality of just listening to the leaders and our skewed media articles that promote lies and propaganda to keep people with their blinders on. I refuse to be like that. I will never trust anything at face value. I will always question and investigate and get close to the source of the truth. I understand what is happening in our world. I never thought I would witness a holocaust in 2024 but here we are. And thanks to technology it’s online every single day. All day. I try to keep it together. I try to help the best I can. My heart aches for these innocent people. I feel so much guilt because I can see my home, my family, I have food and water at any given second. It’s not fair to mass murder people for no reason. How are people so blind. What happened to their hearts? Why did half of America lose their shit to get roe v wade overturned and take away women’s right to have autonomy over their own bodies, and to ban abortion and give more rights to a clump of cells rather than have concern for the living children in this country and our broken system. Where is all that oh we’re Christian and these cells are human and you can’t remove them because it’s murder, where are you nuts now when they are blowing up actual living breathing newborns, toddlers and children. Injuring them, leaving them orphaned, missing limbs, going without medical care, being forcibly starved, really what in the actual Fuck is wrong with people in this country and the world. The US has all the power to stop or have stopped this before it turned into genocide and war crimes. That’s all for now I am still trying to understand. I talk to these beautiful people daily that America and Israel are trying to kill off and they are the most kind and gentle people. They are people they are human and they have rights. They deserve to simply exist.